最近特别忙,主要时间在准备这一篇顶级期刊,非常感谢HKUST的Prof.Li 和徐学长,还有MSRA的 Dr. Zheng,终于完成投稿了。个人认为这是一个在工作量、创新性、系统性都相当可以的工作。目前我们的paper正在 under peer review 中,希望能取得一个不错的结果。
我的cloudflare的链接好像全都挂了? 这个链接好像挂了???为啥,可能是网安院那边的人kill了我,很迷,不知道为啥挂的 https://sql.keqichen.top
面试大致感想 心得 这些面试其实都没有想象中那么难,OPPO 字节(还有三面) 米哈游都给过了二面。但是很意外过了STCA的二面,可能这些企业都得拒了。 米哈游 岗位 大模型中台
Welcome! This blog contains my notes on reading papers related to LMs-agents and emotional dialog.
This blog records the problems I encountered and the knowledge I learned in software project development. The blog content includes programming knowledge such as Python coding standards, learning notes, and design philosophy.
Welcome! I am regularly updating this page, adding my personal information from November 2023, including the latest paper submissions, new open-source projects, and other relevant materials. The updated information will serve as a supplement to my uploaded CV.
GeoInsight System is an AI-assisted online geographic information management platform. The frontend is developed using Vue and achieved fundamental features such as account management, file management, record management, data import, and a visual map interface. The backend is constructed on the Java Spring Boot framework.
2020,This is a 64-bit operating system implemented from scratch.