Dynamic Update Resume for 2024 Fall Application

2023/11/24 blog

Welcome! I am regularly updating this page, adding my personal information from November 2023, including the latest paper submissions, new open-source projects, and other relevant materials. The updated information will serve as a supplement to my uploaded CV.

Publication Updates


Paper I: Emotional Support Dialog System Through Recursive Interactions Among Large Language Models(Springer CCIS)

Emotional Support Dialog System Through Recursive Interactions Among Large Language Models (Springer CCIS )



System Architecture

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Fig. 1: The differences among the responses generated by human psychologists, ChatGPT, and STDS for the same question in a psychological counseling session.

Case Study

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Fig. 2: An overview of STDS. Our system operates recursively, meaning that in each turn of dialog, it goes through a whole generation process. The generation process consists of a two-stage framework in which the domain-specific LLM and foundational LLM collaborate to vote, revise, and regenerate each other's outputs. In the t th turn of the dialogue, the model takes the user input, generates a response guided by the strategy in the (t-1) th turn, and then revises the strategy for the (t+1) th generation.

If you would like to preview our paper, please click here-> link link_Google_drive. And, our paper will be published in the Springer CCIS series of journals within a few weeks


12-01 Our paper was accepted by NCMMSC 2023! It will be presented as an oral presentation at the 2023 National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication.

12-08 I gave a presentation at the NCMMSC 2023.

Collected-Papers-zip PPT

12-11 Our paper was recommended to Springer Proceedings of Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS. Our paper will be published in the Springer CCIS series of journals within a few weeks.

Under review

2-15 A paper submitted to ARR. I will introduce the paper as soon as the peer review is over.



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